NEW DELHI: Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday moved aresolution in Rajya Sabha to extend President's rule in Jammu and Kashmir bysix months, which is ending tomorrow. The Samajwadi Party announced its supportfor the resolution, while the Congress opposed it. "Do not make excuseslike Ramzan and Amarnath Yatra to not hold Assembly polls," said CongressMP Viplove Thakur.
“It is not possible to hold elections in Jammu and Kashmirnow. The Election Commission has decided to conduct the elections by theyear-end. For the past several decades, the elections have not taken place inthe state during these months,” Shah had said.
The Bill provides for amendments in the Jammu and KashmirReservation Act, 2004 to bringing persons residing in the areas adjoiningInternational Border within the ambit of reservation at par with persons livingin areas adjoining Actual Line of Control (ALoC). The bill is aimed atreplacing the ordinance to provide 10% reservation for economically weakersections (EWS) in Jammu and Kashmir.
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